Veterinary Protocols

Every Case. Every Time.

See the Platinum Performance® recommended Nutritional Protocols for a wide range of equine health conditions.

Veterinary Protocols


Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Antioxidant Support - Antioxidants

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Arthritis, Advanced

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA BID... More Details »

Arthritis, Preventive

Protocol: Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA BID... More Details »

Asthma, Immune Support

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 2 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »

Bone Healing

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Osteon® BID... More Details »


Administer 1-3 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine BID depending on clinical need. Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ and 1-2 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »


Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Coat, Mane & Tail Conditions

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 2 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »

Colic, Post Surgical - GI Health

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine BID (depending on clinical and post-colic needs) and 2 scoops of Platinum Balance™ BID. For high-risk post-operative diarrhea, administer a 1/2 scoop of Bio-Sponge® powder (48 .75 g) or 1 syringe (60 cc) of Bio-Sponge® paste BID... More Details »

Colic, Sand Impaction

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Colitis/Enteritis, Mild-Moderate (Antibiotic and Stress Induced)

Administer 1 scoop of Bio-Sponge® powder (97 .5 g) or 2 syringes (120 cc) of Bio-Sponge® paste BID or TID depending on clinical need. Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Colitis/Enteritis, Moderate-Severe (Antibiotic and Stress Induced)

If no gastric reflux, initially administer 1-2 lbs of Bio-Sponge® powder mixed in 4-6 liters of water by stomach tube followed by 1 lb of Bio-Sponge® mixed with 3 liters of water once every 6-8 hours until the diarrhea resolves. Amount can be decreased for less severe cases. Add 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID to tube feeding. Discontinue if there is no noticeable improvement after 7 days of use. (Note: 1/2 scoop of Bio-Sponge® powder = 1 (60 cc) syringe of Bio-Sponge® paste.)... More Details »

Connective Tissue Healing

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA and 1 scoop of Osteon® BID during the post-injury and rehabilitation phase of healing... More Details »

Diarrhea (Chronic)

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID. Administer 1 scoop (97.5 g) of Bio-Sponge® powder BID (discontinue use or decrease dosage with improvement)... More Details »

Diarrhea, Prophylactic

Following adequate intake of colostrum no earlier than 12 hours after the foal first nurses the mare, administer 5-15 cc of the 60 cc Bio-Sponge® paste BID for 4-5 days and 1/8-1/4 scoop of Platinum Balance™ SID or BID depending on need... More Details »

Diarrhea, Prophylactic Use During Antibiotic Treatment

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID. Administer 1/2 scoop (48.75 g) of Bio-Sponge® powder or 1/2 syringe to 1 syringe (30 cc-60 cc) of Bio-Sponge® paste BID or TID while on antibiotics... More Details »

Diarrhea, Therapeutic

Administer 1/2 syringe (30 cc) of Bio-Sponge® paste or 3 tablespoons (27.6 g) of Bio-Sponge® powder mixed with 30 cc of water 2-3 times daily following adequate intake of colostrum no earlier than 6 hours after the foal first nurses the mare. Discontinue use 1 day after intestinal disturbances resolve. To support digestion, administer 1/4-1/2 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Digestive Support

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Endurance Training & Competition

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine BID, as well as free choice at vet stops... More Details »


Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

EPM (Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis)

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS)

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Metabolic Support BID... More Details »

Fracture Repair (Post-Surgical)

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA and 1 scoop of Osteon® BID during the post-injury and rehabilitation phase of healing... More Details »

Gastric Ulcers, Prophylactic - GI Health

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Hoof Health, Advanced Support

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID and 1 scoop of Platinum Hoof Support SID... More Details »

Hoof Health, Maintenance

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

All Hospitalized Patients

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine to all hospitalized patients to help maintain body condition and support healing... More Details »

Insulin Resistance

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Metabolic Support BID... More Details »

Intense Training or Competition

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA BID... More Details »

Immune Support, Maintenance During Travel and Stress

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »


Make appropriate diet and medical recommendations and administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID. Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Hoof Support SID. If the horse is also having metabolic issues, add 1 scoop of Platinum Metabolic Support BID... More Details »

Light to Moderate Training or Competition

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Lower Limb Edema

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »


Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Mare Fertility

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID. Administer 2 oz of Healthy Weight oil SID... More Details »

Moderate to Heavy Training or Competition

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA BID... More Details »

Muscle Recovery/Soreness

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Navicular Syndrome

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA and 1 scoop of Osteon® BID. Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Hoof Support SID... More Details »

Newborn Foal Diarrhea, Prophylactic

Following adequate intake of colostrum no earlier than 12 hours after the foal first nurses the mare, administer 5-15 cc of the 60 cc Bio-Sponge® paste BID for 4–5 days and 1/8-1/4 scoop of Platinum Balance™ SID or BID depending on need... More Details »

Newborn Foal Diarrhea, Therapeutic

Administer 1/2 syringe (30 cc) of Bio-Sponge® paste or 3 tablespoons (27 .6 g) of Bio-Sponge® powder mixed with 30 cc of water 2-3 times daily following adequate intake of colostrum no earlier than 6 hours after the foal first nurses the mare. Discontinue use 1 day after intestinal disturbances resolve. To support digestion, administer 1/4-1/2 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Nutritional Myodegeneration

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Selenium Yeast BID. (Note: Total daily dietary selenium from all sources (forage, commercial feeds, supplements) must not exceed 2 mg selenium/kg dietary dry matter. Whole blood selenium concentrations should be monitored every 1-2 months, and a maintenance dose of selenium should be provided once whole blood selenium returns to normal.)... More Details »

Osteochondritis Dessicans (OCD) Prophylactic

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Osteon® BID to pregnant mares... More Details »

Osteochondritis Dessicans (OCD) Therapeutic

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1/2 scoop of Osteon® BID to weanlings and yearlings... More Details »

Overall Health & Wellness

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Oxidative Stress

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine... More Details »


Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy Type 1 (PSSM)/Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM)

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1/4-1/2 cup of Healthy Weight oil BID. Avoid grain or inflammatory oils, such as corn oil... More Details »

PPID/Cushings Disease

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ and 1 scoop of Platinum Metabolic Support BID. If horse is underweight, add 2 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »


Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™, 1 scoop of Osteon® and 2-4 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »


Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ and 1 scoop Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA BID... More Details »

Respiratory Infections

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »

Selenium Deficiency

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Selenium Yeast BID. (Note: Total daily dietary selenium from all sources (forage, commercial feeds, supplements) must not exceed 2 mg selenium/kg dietary dry matter. Whole blood selenium concentrations should be monitored every 1-2 months, and a maintenance dose of selenium should be provided once whole blood selenium returns to normal.)... More Details »

Shipping Stress

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID before and during shipping... More Details »

Skin Allergies (Advanced)

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1-2 scoops of Platinum Balance™ and 2 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »

Soft Tissue Rehabilitation

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA and 1 scoop of Osteon® BID during the post-injury and rehabilitation phase of healing... More Details »


Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Joint Care Competition + HA BID... More Details »

Uterine Fungal Infections

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine and 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ BID... More Details »


Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID and 1 scoop of Platinum Hoof Support SID... More Details »

Weight Gain

Administer 1-2 scoops of Platinum Performance® Equine, 1 scoop of Platinum Balance™ and 2-4 oz of Healthy Weight oil BID... More Details »

Wound Healing

Administer 1 scoop of Platinum Performance® Equine BID... More Details »

Direct Dispense®

Healthier Patients & Happier Clients For a Thriving Practice

Our priority at Platinum Performance® is to support our equine veterinary partners, the health of your patients and your relationship with your clients. Through Direct Dispense®, patient health, client convenience and practice success are at the forefront.

“I like companies that will put research into their products. To me, Platinum is unique in how they develop and test their products. I know the consistency is going to be there and that the research has been put in. To me, that makes a difference.”
— Ben Buchanan, DVM, DACVIM, DACVECC of Brazos Valley Equine

Taking Full Advantage of Direct Dispense®

Direct Dispense® is a flexible program that makes it simple for your clients to comply with your nutritional recommendations and offers great profitability for your practice.

Easy Ordering

You recommend Platinum Performance® formulas to your clients, then have them call us directly.

No Hassle

We handle fulfillment, billing and shipping with no strings or charges for you to participate.

Practice Benefits

Your clients experience our exceptional service while your practice benefits.

Vet checking horse's knee

PlatinumVET™ Reproductive Care

Equine Wellness + Clinical Reproductive Support

Available Exclusively Through A Veterinarian's Recommendation

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Upon enrollment you will receive a unique Direct Dispense® ID code and protocol pads where you can easily recommend Platinum Performance® formulas and provide your name for your clients to order by phone or online. It’s that easy.

Vet checking horse's knee

25 Years of Commitment to Veterinarians

Let us help you get started with Direct Dispense® and see how fully incorporating advanced nutrition into your practice can benefit your patients and your clients.

Call 866-553-2400