Does Platinum Make Horses Hot?

Digestible energy estimates the amount of energy available for the horse from the feed consumed.


By , Platinum Performance®

Platinum Performance® Equine Predominantly Consists of Cool Calories Using Ground Flaxseed as One of Its Primary Ingredients

Finding the perfect energy balance in your horse is a bit like searching for that elusive sweet spot in life: a delicate equilibrium where enthusiasm meets focus, and power harmonizes with control. It’s a pursuit cherished by equestrians, as much as it can be filled with frustration especially when dealing with a high-energy mount otherwise dubbed a “hot” horse: An equine bursting with energy that can be overwhelming and sometimes dangerous. Since nutrition plays a role in disposition, a not-uncommon question arises: Will Platinum Performance® Equine make my horse hot? Spoiler alert: No!

Counting Platinum Calories

Energy is important for all living things. People use calories to tell us how much energy our food provides. Horses, by contrast, eat different types of food than their riders and in larger quantities since they require more calories. As a result, their diets are calculated in megacalories, or Mcal. One Mcal is 1,000 kilocalories. Digestible energy, or DE, estimates the amount of energy available for the horse from the feed consumed. Energy requirements for horses are measured as megacalories of digestible energy, or Mcal DE, as are the number of calories in a feed. A horse’s daily requirement of Mcal DE is largely dependent on its size, age and level of activity. Several other factors can also be considered, such as environmental conditions, gender, breed and a genetic weight tendency that might mark them as an “easy keeper” or a “hard keeper.”

A 1,100-pound (500 kg) horse at maintenance requires 16.7 Mcal DE daily, while that same horse exercised moderately has a 23.3 Mcal DE daily requirement. Platinum Performance® Equine, when fed at the recommended 2 scoops per day for a 1,100-pound horse, provides no more than 0.6 Mcal DE. This is a small fraction of a horse’s digestible energy needs and proves that these formulas do not significantly add to a horse’s daily energy intake.

Platinum is Low in “Hot” Calories

Choosing the right source of calories is equally as important as knowing your horse’s caloric needs and whether they may impact a horse’s “hot” behavior.

“Cool” calories offer sustained energy without the “hot” behavior often observed with high starch and sugar feeds. Increased excitability or “hotness” in temperament is to a large degree brought on by high levels of nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC) commonly found in dietary grains. NSC include sugars and starches that quickly break down into glucose providing a quick burst of energy. This may contribute to behavioral changes and even metabolic imbalances if not managed properly. Platinum does not contain grains and only offers a small amount of NSC per serving.

The most common sources of cool calories are fiber-rich feeds, such as hay, pasture and beet pulp. These all contain complex carbohydrates like fiber that are digested more gradually by the gastrointestinal system, resulting in a steady release of energy. Fats are another source of cooler calories, especially for horses that need extra calories. Flaxseed is a good source of fiber that also contains omega- 3 fatty acids while being low in sugar and starches. Platinum Performance® Equine predominantly consists of cool calories using ground flaxseed as one of its primary ingredients.

Platinum Performance® Equine provides comprehensive nutrition and aims to foster a harmonious equilibrium within the body. Developed to complement the natural diet of horses, this formula delivers essential nutrients for overall health and well-being. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Platinum aids in supporting normal inflammatory responses, potentially leading to a more balanced temperament and improved behavioral outcomes.

A Balanced Approach

Platinum Performance® Equine provides comprehensive nutrition and aims to foster a harmonious equilibrium within the equine body. Developed to complement the natural diet of horses, this formula delivers essential nutrients for overall health and well-being. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Platinum aids in supporting the horse’s normal inflammatory responses, potentially leading to a more balanced temperament and improved behavioral outcomes.

Moreover, omega-3 fatty acids may positively influence stress levels contributing to a more balanced disposition. These fatty acids play a crucial role in maintaining cell membrane (barrier) fluidity, the degree in which molecules can move within the membrane. This impacts various cellular processes including cell signaling and nutrient uptake. By incorporating omega- 3-rich foods into a diet, ideal membrane fluidity can be reached, promoting optimal cellular function and health.

Platinum also serves as a potent source of antioxidants, combating oxidative stress that can hinder cellular function. As cellular health improves, behavioral changes may become evident, as optimal cell function promotes efficient metabolism, effective immune response and balanced hormone regulation.

For those noticing heightened excitability in their horses, Platinum recommends allowing for an adjustment period as the body adapts to its newly balanced physiological state.

Ultimately, Platinum offers a holistic approach to equine nutrition, ensuring comprehensive fulfillment of every aspect of a horse’s physiological needs, resulting in healthier cells and a calmer equine companion.

Platinum Performance® Equine prioritizes digestive health, creating an optimal gut environment that improves the breakdown of forage, nutrient absorption and feed efficiency. This Platinum formula includes fibers with prebiotic benefits and L-glutamine to support intestinal lining health. Furthermore, the product's omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals play roles in safeguarding gut health by supporting digestion, immune function and healthy levels of inflammation.

Optimizing Digestive Health

The gut, often referred to as the “second brain,” plays a crucial role in maintaining a horse’s overall well-being. Constant communication between brain and gut impacts various physiological processes, along with mood and behavior. Research in humans and horses has found the gut microbiome — a distinct ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms within the digestive system — directly impacts not just digestive health but also their behavioral states.

Interventions such as pre- and probiotics, coupled with dietary adjustments not only improve gut health in the horse but also show promise in enhancing mood. A balanced gut microbiome further contributes to reduced acidosis and promoting normal hormone levels and a healthy immune system. In short, a healthy gut is the foundation for health and deportment.

Platinum Performance® Equine prioritizes digestive health, creating an optimal gut environment that improves the breakdown of forage, nutrient absorption and feed efficiency. Feed efficiency means fewer calories from grains are needed to maintain the same body weight and activity level. While improved feed efficiency is beneficial, it requires careful management of grain intake. When a horse digests and absorbs nutrients more effectively, it can lead to an excess of energy if the feed amount remains unchanged. This surplus energy can manifest as increased excitability and hyperactivity. By adjusting the amount of grain fed to match the horse’s improved nutrient utilization, owners can prevent the horse from becoming "hot" and ensure its diet supports optimal health and performance.

Platinum Performance® Equine includes fibers with prebiotic benefits and L-glutamine to support intestinal lining health. Furthermore, the product's omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals play roles in safeguarding gut health by supporting digestion, immune function and healthy levels of inflammation..

Feeding Tips for a Calmer Disposition

  • High-Quality Forage:
    Ensure your horse’s diet includes plenty of grass or hay and other high-quality forage. It should be the foundation of the diet, providing essential nutrients that promote healthy digestion, which helps stabilize mood. Depending on energy requirement, a horse needs to eat 1.5-3% of its body weight in forage daily.
  • Limit Starch and Sugar:
    Be cautious with feeds high in sugars and starches, as these can lead to spikes in energy and potentially exacerbate excitability, or nervousness, in some horses. Opt for feeds with lower levels of sugars and starches. To help maintain a more even temperament throughout the day, consider digestible fibrous feeds (beet pulps) and fats (flaxseed oil), which provide a sustained source of fuel without causing rapid blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Feed Little and Often:
    Feed smaller meals more frequently throughout the day. Slow feeders help mimic a horse’s natural grazing behavior, providing a slow-but-steady supply of forage. It helps maintain a steadier blood sugar level and prevent hunger-related anxiety or excitability.
  • Monitor and Adjust:
    Feed to meet your horse’s workload. If the activity level changes, so should the calories the horse receives. This affects horses experiencing a longterm change to their activity level but also those whose schedule gains or loses a day of rest during the week. For days off, just reduce portion size, not the actual dietary ingredients.
  • Balanced Diet:
    Provide a balanced diet that meets the horse’s nutritional needs. Imbalances or deficiencies can contribute to behavioral issues. Platinum Performance® Equine can help fill nutrient gaps and provide target nutrients to address conditions that are impacting overall health and indirectly causing a change in behavior.

Unleashing the True Potential

Platinum Performance® Equine transcends the conventional notion of equine supplements. It’s not just about providing additional calories; it’s about nourishing the horse from within to address fundamental physiological processes affecting behavior and performance. Whether it’s promoting joint health or optimizing digestive health, Platinum empowers your horse to thrive at the cellular level, mentally and physically.

So, does Platinum Performance® Equine make your horse “hot”? Far from it. It’s a catalyst for balance, unlocking the true potential of your equine companion.